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  • Deviva

What's Your Purpose In Life?

A couple weeks ago, I attended an incredibly eye-opening event. It consisted of various local exercise studios giving 30 minute sample classes as well as a couple of self-inquiry/goal setting sessions, which were quite the breath of fresh air (both metaphorically and literally speaking after all of those workout classes).

During one of the sessions, we all received a piece of paper with a pie chart on it. Each slice was a different component of life: education, social life, career, health, etc. We had to place a dot on each slice depending on how satisfied with that area of life we felt; the closer the dot was to the outside, the more satisfied and confident we felt in that category. After placing a dot in each slice of pie, we got to play connect the dots (throwback)! This was especially eye-opening because it highlighted where in our lives we felt a downward slope. For me, ironically, the downward slopes were in education, career, and social life (the areas in which I think we should feel most satisfied during college...). My dissatisfaction with the first two are rooted in my confusion and "lostness" regarding what I want to study and do with my life (wow-what an incredibly overwhelming question). The latter component, social life, should be and usually is very strong for me because I am an extrovert who gets my buzzing energy by being in the presence of others. However, I have been so focused on my studies and figuring out what I want to do that my favorite aspect of life, PEOPLE, has fallen down the drain.

There are times when we have to ask ourselves, "WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO ME?". Life is complicated; beautiful, yes, but also very very complicated. As a result, we have to choose what our priorities are. Maybe for some, their faith comes first, so they should dedicate a little bit of time every day to reading the Bible or praying towards Mecca. For others, such as myself, being there for others and spreading joy and positivity to the world is my #1 goal in life. Of course I love learning and have rather crazy aspirations that require me to do well in school (I typically do enjoy school anyways...just not at the moment), but as I said before, people are my EVERYTHING in life.

After filling out the pie chart, the life coaches gave us an incredible piece of advice: "Life isn't about what you want to DO. It's about how you want to FEEL." This really struck a chord for me. We all spend so much time thinking about what our purpose is in society, but this is all wrong. Maybe we don't have a specific "purpose". Maybe we don't have a "calling". Maybe all we have are the things that make us happy (or as my dad would put it, "the things that make your heart beat the fastest").

This, dear readers, is what I have decided to pursue: the things that bring me incredible joy. People make me happy. Helping others makes me happy. Learning makes me happy. Blogging makes me happy. Singing and dancing and baking and painting all make me happy. Very obviously, there is a plethora of things that make me happy, and I am sure the same is true for you. Perhaps, we must simply listen to our hearts, as nonsensical as they may sound at times, and maybe, just maybe, that is our only purpose.

Quote Of The Day:

"The mystery of human existence lies not just in staying alive, but in finding something to live for."

-Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Peace, Love, + Happiness,


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